This rhodium plated bracelet with the beautiful assembly of 4mm freshwater pearls is very feminine and elegant, inspired by the ongoing trend of freshwater pearls and Tennis bracelet design - where the trend is matched with the oldest gemstone known. Beautifully combined pieces that will not go out of style. These timeless beauties are simple enough for everyday wear but with attitude enough to be noticed and complimented. Functionality takes the stage as you can mix and match different coatings in a creative way.
Īsā atbilde — tās ir ideālas gan svinīgiem pasākumiem, gan ikdienas nēsāšanai. Bet tas nav viss — ielūkosimies dziļāk pērļu pasaulē.
Pērļu rotaslietas ir mūžīgs aksesuārs, kas apvieno eleganci, daudzpusību un simbolisko nozīmi. Neatkarīgi no tā vai Tevi vilina to klasiskā pievilcība vai moderni dizaini, pērles ir ideāli piemērotas Tava tēla izcelšanai jebkurā situācijā.
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